Blogging for Money

1.下面加点的字注音全都正确的一项是( )   A.闷热(mèn) 伫立(zhù) 黄晕yùn 擎天撼地(qíng)   B.酝酿(niàng) 炽热(chì) 祈祷dǎo 锲而不舍(qiè)   C.馈赠(kuì) 栖息(xī) 颓唐tuí 颔首低眉(hàn)   D.狡黠(xiá) 稽首(jī) 确凿(záo) 忧心忡忡(chōng)   2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )   A. 渡假 蜂拥而至 安祥 低回婉转   B. 松弛 变幻多姿 藉贯 提纲擎领   C. 提炼 不可明状 恬静 通宵达旦
lin6225n60 22.12.2011 0 3457

According to Russian military industrial complex web site on December 13 reported canadagoose-15, and the defense "magazine recently issued by its 2011 annual Russia voted 10 big new weapons and equipment.The magazine editor igor families, that Saul andriy
lin6225n60 14.12.2011 0 223

Mr Qaddafi overthrowing former regime process had outbreaks fought Libya town m tower there seems to be no Ursula in the central authorities under control, keep it an army, except 6 brigades of militia troops stationed in the city, but also has a huge libr
lin6225n60 09.12.2011 0 190